The Spotlight team spend countless hours investigating and pursuing the story. Their ongoing work involves contacts with various people, taking notes and working as a team. They meet with victims, priests, lawyers and judges. One person they speak to is Phil Saviano, who leads a victims’ group, Survivors Network of those Abuse by Priests (SNAP). They learn that it’s a much bigger issue than anticipated. “You guys got to understand. This is big. This is not just Boston. It’s the whole country. It’s the whole world. And it goes right up to the Vatican,” Phil Saviano said. 

     Some people are hesitant to talk to the reporters. It’s a huge issue and a very sensitive matter. Information about the abuse has been hidden for years. But the reporters do not give up. Having all been raised as Catholic, the Spotlight team cares about the story. They want to know the truth and make people aware. And they don’t give up until they get some answers. “I know there’s things you cannot tell me. But I also know there’s a story here. And I think it’s an important story,” Mike Rezendes said.

     The investigation begins to have an impact on the team. Matt Carroll learns that there is a “rehabilitation” center for wayward priests on the same block as his family’s home. He’s bothered by the fact that he can’t tell his children and neighbors. Sacha Pfeiffer feels she can’t attend church with her nana anymore. She’s dedicated to bringing out the truth despite her nana’s connection to the church. “We’re gong to tell this story. We’re going to tell it right,” Pfeiffer said. 

     The pressure builds up. Robby Robinson is faced with pushback from friends who apparently were part of covering up the sexual abuse. Mike Rezendes becomes emotional, urging to get the story out to prevent any more abuse. “They knew and they let it happen…. It could’ve been you. It could’ve been me. It could’ve been any of us…. We got to show people that nobody can get away with this!” Rezendes said.

     Everything eventually comes together and they have their full story. Though they faced some turbulence through their endeavor, they persevered. “All of you have done some very good reporting here. Reporting that I believe is going to have an immediate and considerable impact on our readers. For me, this kind of story is why we do this,” Marty Baron said.  

     “Spotlight” covers a difficult topic, but it’s a must-see movie. The passion and dedication the Spotlight team have is definitely something to watch and admire. If it weren’t for those reporters, the abuse may never have been brought to light. It was a necessary exposure. An exposure to stop the horrid abuse. An exposure to bring justice for everyone involved.