Pride festivals around the country were postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic. As COVID-19 vaccines become available, many people are looking forward to Pride in 2021. “It is something I always look forward to,” Taylor Williams, 23, said. “I really missed it last year.”

     Pride is an event that celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people. The event takes place in most major U.S. cities. It helps promote LGBTQ rights and social acceptance. It is a time to celebrate differences and show support for all sexual orientations. 

San Francisco Pride Festival, 2018.

     “Many people in society do not accept me because I am gay,” Williams said. “Pride makes me feel like I can be myself. I feel valued for who I am as a person rather than judged for my sexual orientation.” 

     According to a Gallup poll, 5.6 percent of Americans identify as LGBTQ. This number has increased in recent years, but it still represents a small portion of the population. Pride festivals allow this group to come together and celebrate with others like them. 

     “One thing my partner and I miss the most is seeing other couples that look like us,” Amy Fallaw, 23, said. “We moved a year ago and we still haven’t really made friends. It’s going to be awesome to make those connections at Pride.”

     Few cities have announced an official schedule for Pride 2021. But that does not mean the celebration has been cancelled. It is unclear whether in-person events will be possible but many organizers are discussing other options. These include decorating businesses and houses, organizing a vehicle parade and hosting several virtual events. 

     “I hope it is safe to attend Pride in-person this year,” Williams said. “If not, I hope to go to some of the virtual events.” 

     Pride is an important celebration for the LGBTQ community and their allies. Whether in-person or online, many look forward to attending this year.