
On Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016, there was a large audience at the soccer field to wait to watch the soccer game–UMPI VS UNITY. Part of the audience came from different cities or even countries. People returned to share news and memories and renew contact with their beloved alma mater. It was the perfect time—homecoming–to welcome them.

The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s women’s soccer team won this game against UNITY with a score of 2 to 1.

Only about one minute and four seconds after kickoff, Carla Halvorson got her first shot, assisted by Samantha Nadeau. This was a perfect starting for the game. All excited spectators clapped and shouted.

The women didn’t give up the offensive: they kept going and kept fighting to the last moment, last minute and last second. Anything is possible with enough effort. The lucky star will come your way. All the women worked with a mixed defense to help Samantha Nadeau get the last shot in the last 26 seconds of the game. Everyone was shocked and the referees were startled.  The spectators were ready to burst!

“It got more exciting when the women kicked the goal in the last 26 seconds. So it was a prefect time for homecoming weekend. Perfect time, perfect ending!” President Ray Rice said.

Thanks, all women of the soccer team. You gave homecoming a perfect starting, a perfect ending and a perfect weekend! You proved yourself and you are super stars!