Since it’s the time of year when politics are evident in nearly every household in this country due to the presidential election, there is always bound to be some discourse on all sides. This is regardless of which party you belong to or which views you possess. Most people who pay attention to politics look at the details of who they are voting for. At the same time, these people are registered as a member of a specific party, such as Democrat, Republican or Independent. The people who pay attention to what a candidate has to offer may not even end up voting for someone running for the same party they are registered as a member of at all.

“I think it is unintelligent, unethical and immoral because they’re not basing their vote on data,” UMPI student Adrien Tourtelotte said. “It’s just a poor decision, because if you’re going to vote, be educated on what you’re voting about and who you’re voting for.”

There are a few reasons why people are against voting strictly for their registered party.

“I think people should actually look into the people running for office, not just vote for the party itself,” UMPI student Tyler Proulx said.

Overall, there are a large number of reasons as to why people vote for the candidate they want to see take office as the president of the United States. There are certainly ways that are more favored than others by certain people. When it boils down to it, whether it is seen as right or wrong by specific individuals, people are going to vote for the person they see fit to run the nation.