Aaron Marston had a positive impact on whomever he crossed paths with. Whether it was his players, his students or his colleagues. “Aaron always made the situation a better one,” President Rice said. “He always made every individual feel valued and feel they could achieve a potential they themselves didn’t know they were capable of,” Rice said.

     After the season was over, Monica McLaughlin was named a member of the All-Conference Second Team for the North Atlantic Conference (10 colleges in Maine and the greater northeast). “During a meeting we had back in 2019 he told me, ‘Monica, if you stick with this, then you’ll become an All-Conference defender.’ That’s why that award is so special to me. Because even when I didn’t believe I could, he did,” McLaughlin said. “Aaron had a way of making you feel like you were important. Like you were seen. Like you were valuable. He was such a great role model,” McLaughlin said.

Aaron Marston poses with his senior class before his final game. L-R Aaron Marston, Zhoreen Malik, Hope Shea, Ashlyn Wing, Taylor Shute, Kassandra Nelson, Assistant Coach John Ala, Monica McLaughlin, Savannah Rodriguez

     Aaron Marston also received an award after the season: Coach of the Year.

     Aaron, certainly before anything else, was a great father to his two daughters, Taylor and Kacie, and a great husband to his beloved wife, Keli. “He was a great father and husband and friend. There’s just a great personal impact he has made on people outside the workplace as well,” Dan Kane said. “He was just one of those people that is good at everything they do. And makes an impact in so many different ways,” Kane said.

     Throughout life, there are certain people that just stick with us.

     Aaron Marston is certainly one of those people.