Deborah Hodgkins and Tong Liu at the Awards Ceremony.

Greetings new and returning students!

The office of Academic Affairs is located on the second floor of Preble Hall, Room 232. In the office of academic affairs we are all things academic—as the names implies.

Some of the responsibilities that this office helps to oversee include the annual Awards Ceremony, the Commencement Ceremony, Dean’s List and the administration of course evaluations.

The academic affairs office also helps to support faculty and provide services, including the hiring of adjuncts, faculty overload and adjunct contracts, the evaluation of both full-time and adjunct faculty, faculty development, as well as the reappointment, promotion and tenure of faculty.

Additionally, the academic affairs office maintains course syllabi, curriculum documents, academic policies and memoranda of understanding with other institutions.

Please feel free stop by and visit. We wish you a productive and rewarding academic year!