Classroom alternatives are a popular form of education for modern families. But how do these options actually work?

     Some may think that homeschooling lacks the structure or foundation that sets kids up for the real world. Many homeschool parents would reply that this alternative helps their children gain confidence, connection and sustainability.

Ashley Mitchell’s Chilren Listen to a Guest Speaker and learn about the civil war at the Lincoln public library.

     Ashley Mitchell of Lincoln, Maine, said, “I know it’s controversial, but I really don’t think you have to push kids to learn. I really think you can just be an assistant and let them lead the way.”     

     But without a strict curriculum, will children meet the standards? Mitchell said, “I believe that we are always schooling, at all times.”

     Most homeschoolers identify that they began schooling from the very start. Mitchell’s five children, ranging from 3-years-old to 12, have been cooking, cleaning and learning at home from the get-go. Learning always followed natural curiosity in their household. Mitchell’s son noted a favorite musician who drove him to pursue music deeply.