Five men are discovered inside the Watergate building, the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters, as well as two wiretapped phones. The scandal caused a little ripple in the public, but was quickly and quietly covered up. Immediately, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, two reporters for The Washington Post, knew that there was a bigger story hiding underneath. But just how big was the story? Follow Woodward and Bernstein on the adventure of a lifetime as they follow the clues for the ultimate story in “All The President’s Men.” Complete with questionable officials, anonymous sources and a clever informant, you’ll be wondering just how everything comes together at the end.

    It was important for Bernstein, Woodward, Ben Bradlee, the executive editor, and the Post to go through with covering the Watergate scandal because if they hadn’t, then more investigation on the situation wouldn’t have been conducted. It was because of Bernstein and Woodward’s persistence that the scandal came to light. If they had not pursued the story, it would have been dropped. No one else would have picked up the story, especially after so many of the “witnesses” would give a statement, then deny that they knew anything about it. Most of their “witnesses” would also clam up and stop talking once they realized that Bernstein and Woodward were part of The Washington Post. Perhaps if they had not chased after the story and found the key evidence that they did, the Watergate scandal might have been completely covered up and hidden away from the public eye.

    A lesson that could be taken away from what Bernstein and Woodward did is to never give up on something, especially if you believe in it. They knew that something big was going on, and they didn’t give up on the story when their leads seemed to lead them into dead ends. That just made them work even more to discover what was really going on.  And even when everyone else was against the idea of supporting Bernstein and Woodward, Bradlee stuck up for them. He believed that The Washington Post should stand up for their employees, because this was going to be the biggest story yet.