For the first time in a year, students are masking up for spring sports again. Some are running with masks on for the first time since COVID started. But mandating masks doesn’t stop the runners at Mount Desert Island High school from having a good team. Track started a week ago and running with a mask on seems to be a little hard, but it could be an adjustment to get used to. 

A view of Mount Desert Island High school and its track.

     Jolie Deal, a sophomore at MDIHS, is doing sports with a mask on for the first time since the pandemic started last March. She started track last week along with the rest of the team. Jolie is one of the runners on the team and said, “The masks aren’t necessarily making running harder. The masks are one more thing to have to think about and prepare for.” With the right mask, running with it on can be easier than you think. Most students are running with disposable masks.

     But runners aren’t the only people on the team. There are throwing events such as shot put, discus and javelin as well. Those athletes do their fair share of running, along with efforts in lifting and throwing. Logan Closson, a sophomore, is doing the throwing events. She said, “ I don’t think that the masks will have much of an effect on the throwers as it could have on the runners.” Runners are getting used to the masks, but it can sometimes stick to your face. With warm weather just around the corner, they could only start to stick even more. 

   Jolie spoke about running with a mask on. “It’s like running at a high altitude, but it’s an adjustment I think we all are getting used to,” she said. With the first meet coming up in about two weeks, the team hopes to be acclimated by then. 

      As a team, Mount Desert Island High School is adjusting well to wearing masks. Even though some are finding wearing masks a little difficult, many said that they feel they will get used to them. The team learned the rules and regulations for wearing a mask recently. These include rules such as, you must have your mask on at all times, and if you are found with your mask off, you will first be let off with a warning. After the warning, you risk being taken out of your events and potentially the team.      

     For some the adjustment will be difficult. But for others it’s something that they are already used to. The masks and regulations are just some things that students know they have to comply while doing sports.  The commitment and dedication that students have developed for the team are helping them strive for success this year. The masks are not going to stop the 70-80 students who are running on the track team this year.