Once the fall semester comes to an end many students make their way home for the holidays. This gives them a four week break from the almost four months completely dedicated to their education. Whether these students are traveling three hours or three minutes away it is a much needed and sought after experience once finals are done and grades are set. There are numerous ways students spend their time once this break comes around.

For Andrew Hunt, being on break is more of a relaxing experience. He is a sophomore at UMPI and is from New Hampshire, which is over five hours from campus.

“I play video games with my brothers. I try to find places to play hockey during break,” he said.

He makes the best of this break with a combination of sitting back and enjoying the activities that occur in the warm indoors, as well as playing some rough and cold weather sports.

Kenny Wells, also a student at UMPI, is someone who makes the best of his winter break.

“Usually, I spend my breaks going around having fun and trying to help people,” he said.

Brittany Finney is another student at UMPI. She also has a specific agenda for how she spends her plans over winter break.

“Work and make money. I do visit some family in New Hampshire, though,” she said.

Overall, there are many different ways students at UMPI like to spend their breaks, and for the most part, they all have their own ways of making the best of their time away from their busy school lives. Whether it’s working, helping people or even just having fun and relaxing, time isn’t wasted once this time of year comes around.