Greetings from the College of Professional Programs and Education. We welcome you to the University of Presque Isle. The College of Professional Programs includes six departments that are focused on exceptional personalized learning for each student. The departments are Athletic Training, Business, Criminal Justice, Physical Therapist Assistant, Social Work and Education.  Education itself includes Elementary, Early Childhood, Secondary and Physical Education.  My role as the dean of the college is to help the work of each faculty member and to be a resource for students who need my assistance.  Other key members to our group are our professional advisors.  Both Shara Page and Jessica Winslow will guide your progress at the beginning of your college career and assist your faculty advisor as needed throughout.  Nicole Fournier is our career readiness director.  She will be a great resource to you as you plan your future.

My advice to new students, as well as all other students, is first of all develop a relationship with your faculty advisor soon and build upon that each year.  Your faculty advisor will help guide you and mentor you toward your future goals and careers.  GO to class and read your syllabi, get to know the other students in your classes and study together in the Center for Innovative Learning.  While you are being the best student you can be, have fun, and enjoy the programs on campus either in the dorms or over student activities across campus. Your fellow students can and will be lifelong friends.  Find good ones!!!