UMPI Women’s Soccer at Homecoming 2017.

     The University of Maine at Presque Isle women’s soccer team played a game on Oct. 7, Homecoming weekend.  The final score was 0-2 in favor of Unity.

     As head coach Trevor Parent said, “ I think we had a couple of chances to go win today. We are better today, we are getting better than last game, last week.”  The UMPI women had nine shots, with four of them on goal in the game. Unfortunately, none of the shots translated into goals.

     Cohesiveness and mutual understanding are critical factors that the women’s soccer team members have been workingn on because this semester they have seven new players in their soccer family. “They are coming together.  They need to learn each other, they need to play more together.  They will get better, and there will be a win.,” James Ward, a member of the audience, said.

     The more practice, the more likely it is to work out, which means the higher the chance of success. UMPI women’s soccer will build on what they’ve learned this season and keep growing.