By now you’ve probably heard of the new “IT” movie sweeping horror movie fans off  their feet. It’s Based on the book of the same name by Maine native Stephen King. The first “IT” mini TV series was released 27 years ago and, while a classic, was brought to life in a whole different way with modern minds and technology. While the face of the famous clown, Pennywise, has been changed for the new generation, the new image still strikes fear into its clown-weary audience. UMPI  Sophomore Tiffany Smith even claimed that the 2017 Pennywise appears far more sinister to her than the original one played by Tim Curry. With the same classic plot guiding the film through the eyes of the fearful children of Derry, Maine, there are sure to be original scenes that surprise and chill you.

     The 2017 film focuses more on the children’s adventures, whereas the original mini-series and book focus on the adult versions of the children for a majority of the time. “It’s about an evil entity that plays upon and manipulates people’s fears to lure them to him,” Smith said about the film’s plot.

With easy-to-love children characters and a far too easy-to-fear clown, this remake pleased many fans of the original tale and brought new fans in who had never experienced “IT” before. Emma Gogan, a student at UMPI who went to see IT with her friends, said “My whole group of friends were jumping.”

     Whether you’re a Stephen King fan or someone who just likes to be scared this movie is worth its two hours and 15 minute running time.