There are a lot of movies, films and shows out there that are not produced by Hollywood. We have not seen the true impact that other producers and directors have been making because the media focuses on Hollywood and all the movies they release: until now.       

Netflix’s Squid Game Cover Art.

     In the past few months, a South Korean TV-series called “Squid Game”  has completely taken over the internet, becoming a worldwide sensation. Over 142 million households watched “Squid Game” on Netflix, making it the most-watched series in the history of this streaming service. It was many people’s first time watching a show that originated in a different country, such as South Korea. Americans usually watch Hollywood movies and content that are from the United States. They do not usually talk about international films, shows and even music.     

     Netflix has made it available for viewers to watch foreign shows with English subtitles and likewise. In recent years, international movies and shows, such as “Lupin” and “Money Heist,” have been on the rise. They have also been great hits on Netflix. By offering different subtitles in many countries, Netflix has lifted the language barrier.     

     The mainstream entertainment that the United States creates is becoming boring to many people. Super Hero films have been the governing genre of Hollywood for decades now. America has had a problem with coming up with new ideas for movies and shows. There have been a lot of remakes and movies with similar plots. Daniel Ivanik feels burnt out by these Hollywood films and shows.