Some people may think that making our pets look different colors can be fun. But it could also be harmful to them.

     Coloring pets’ hair is called pet dyeing. It’s a hobby for some people. Have you ever watched the TLC show, “My Crazy Obsession”? There was a woman who was obsessed with pink. She even had her poodle dyed pink. Some people might have thought how odd to have a pink poodle.  While others may have thought that she abused her dog.

     There are different groups of people in this world when it comes to pet dyeing.  There are the ones who are all for it and the ones who think it’s abuse. Is pet dyeing abuse or are those people over-reacting? The topic of pet dying elicits strong opinion. Caanan Foth and Daniel Carver talked about their opinions of pet dyeing.

     Caanan Foth has two dogs and has never used pet dye on either one of them. He said, “No need to use pet dye when they are already beautiful the way they are.”

     Caanan is against people dying their pets different colors. He said, “I have never dyed an animal before and never will I prefer animals to be other than their natural color. These people who dye their animals are abusive toward them. It’s just not right.”  Caanan strongly believes the hair dye used for animals is not safe to use. He said, “Dyeing animals can cause serious damage to them. For instance, the chemicals in the dye will give them severe burns or give them wounds. It is very unethical to be using pet dye on animals. The chemicals the creators use to make the dye are harmful to them. People are crazy for using pet dye. If you want to make your pet pretty, then buy a coat, a bow or a hat. At least those don’t have severe chemicals to harm the animals. There is a reason why people make clothes for animals,” Caanan Foth said. He believes, “Pet dye should be illegal in all 50 states and if someone gets caught pet dyeing, they should have a hefty fine.”

     Not everyone feels that way, though.  Daniel Carver has the opposite opinion of Caanan. Daniel has four animals: a dog, two cats and a hamster. He said, “I have never dyed my animals, but if I wanted to I would because it would be fun.”

     Daniel is all for people dying their animals. He said, “People dye their own hair all the time. What’s the difference if animals get their fur or hair dyed? People all the time are bleaching their hair to have a different color or making it a different neutral color. Do they ever stop to think about it being safe to use on their scalps? Why would it matter for animals?”  Daniel strongly believes using pet dye is perfectly fine. “Maybe it might be unethical or maybe it is ethical. But it should never be illegal to use it. That is like making hair dye illegal to use on human hair. If people can enjoy making their own selves pretty and silly, then so can other animals. No reason why their pets can’t join in on the fun, too,” Daniel said.

     So, we have two different people with two different opinions about using pet dye on animals. As you can see, it is a pretty emotional area.  So if you are looking to start a conversation, you just might want to raise the topic.