We are now in a world where we use the phrase “binge watching” in our everyday vocabulary. When we hear this, we usually know that someone is binge watching a certain TV show. We spend hours and hours watching something until the season, or seasons, are over. In the time that we could be doing homework or other activities, we choose to binge watch an entire show in one day. Netflix has become a main source of material for binge watching. They come out with original series that have whole seasons, and we spend our day wasted away on that certain show. There is a new show on Netflix that is definitely binge worthy, and brings up an important topic that we may not think about as much as we should.

The show is called “13 Reasons Why.” It is an adaptation from the 2007 book written by Jay Asher. Selena Gomez, a popular TV and music star bought rights to this book and is an executive producer for the series. The show follows Clay, who is portrayed by Dylan Minnette, and Hannah, who is portrayed by Katherine Langford. It follows Clay as he listens to 13 tapes recorded by Hannah, who committed suicide a short while before. These tapes are about the 13 reasons why she did what she did, and the 13 people who played a part. Clay listens and learns what Hannah went through, while also trying to figure out why he is on the tapes.

This is a show that definitely needs to be watched. High school can be a hard time for some people, and we usually don’t think about what we do and say to someone that could have an influence on them. We don’t think about the repercussions that happen. It may seem like something little, a joke maybe, but you never know what that person you are bullying can be going through. One little thing you say can change their lives forever. This show talks about the importance of treating people how we would like to be treated, among other important topics.

This is a very hard show to watch, but it needs to be seen. It gives viewers an idea of what someone like Hannah goes through. All the things that happened to her, unfortunately happens to many teenagers around the world. This is a real issue that needs to be talked about more in schools, and this show shows the importance of that. If you are looking for a new show to binge watch, this is a good one. 13 episodes represent 13 reasons why, and the whole thing makes you think about what you do and say to others. Before watching be prepared for some hard episodes to watch. There are three episodes that have disclaimers before they start. Be especially prepared for the last episode, it’s the hardest one to watch. The producers and directors made it that way because they wanted to make people think, to make it painful. It definitely leaves you shocked, unable to get 13 Reasons Why out of your head.