kosovo refugee carol guzy

    The picture of the men hoisting the American flag at Iwo Jima is one of the most recognizable photographs in the U.S.  Taken by Joe Rosenthal, it represents the strength and perseverance of the soldiers fighting for the fate of the free world in World War II.  Over the decades it has come to be a symbol to Americans of patriotism and pride. Its power lies in the beautifully timed shot, showing the flag in motion as the six Marines work together to raise it.  The photo represents victory and the struggle and teamwork it took to achieve.

    The Saigon Execution was a controversial photo, taken with incredible timing by Eddie Adams.  This is as real as it gets. The face of the condemned man embodies fear and desperation as he stands seconds away from death.  Many people reacted with sympathy for the man about to be executed. They couldn’t help but view the general with the gun in hand as a monster.  The other side of this poignant snapshot is the reality that this is a general doing his duty in a time of war. The prisoner was an enemy and had already killed Vietnamese forces.  The picture shows the deadly reality of war. Wartime executions are rarely seen in such raw photographs, making the Saigon execution an image people are unlikely to forget.

    Napalmed Girl, much like the Saigon execution picture, shows the terrible destruction of the Vietnam War.  This photo, taken by Nick Ut, is especially capable of invoking compassion and disgust because it shows women and children running for their lives as their homes burn.  The tiny frame of the terrified young girl running naked in the streets makes anyone capable of feeling choke up and wonder if the war was worth committing such atrocities for.  It takes a still photo such as this to remind humanity that war is hell.

    The Ethiopian Famine, taken in 1985 by Stan Grossfeld, shows the suffering of children as well.  Like the girl fleeing from napalm explosions in Vietnam, the young girl in this picture is virtually naked.  Her torso is terrifyingly tiny. It’s hard to even look at this child in such a state of starvation, but it’s what makes this photo news worthy and worthy of the Pulitzer.  The look of beauty and perseverance on the face of the mother contrasts with the obvious torture these two people have shared. It’s a picture like this that shows us just how strong the human spirit can be in times of hardship.  I hope this picture persuaded aid for Ethiopian people during the famine. It’s hard to look at a picture clearly showing people dying from a lack of basic necessities.

    The Berlin Wall Falls is a photo showing hope.  It shows a young man wearing punk style clothing, chiseling at a section of the Berlin Wall.  The look on his face is that of eagerness and triumph as he literally breaks down a wall built to divide his country.  He probably had family members or friends on the other side like so many others. It’s inspiring to gaze at a picture representing such a moment of liberation.  The graffiti, clearly visible in the photo, helps illustrate the public opinion of the wall that separated their nation. Now with pictures like this, this moment in history will never be lost.   

    Pulitzer Prize winners don’t always convey the same message or invoke the same emotions, but each photo chosen for this distinguished honor shows humanity in a candid raw moment.  Sometimes these talented photographers snapped moments of empathy. Other pictures put humanity’s propensity for violence and cruelty on display. A great photo tells a story, while a Pulitzer Prize worthy picture tells the story of humanity.