Before there were apps such as Skype and FaceTime, one had to physically visit family or friends to see them. Without this technology, families who have been separated for whatever reason would not be able to communicate so freely. 

     “It almost feels like being in the same room with her. We even baked together once. I had my laptop and phone. I recorded myself with the phone while I looked at the recipe on my laptop. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m so grateful for all this technology that is at my fingertips,” Kat Rivera said. 

     Kat Rivera’s sister, Ariana, recently had her first baby. Her mother was not there to witness the birth in person. She was able to be there over FaceTime. 

     “I was so terrified to have a baby without my mother being there. I thought, I’ll never get to experience this again. My mother can’t even hold him. I was so happy when Kat brought the camera in the room with me. She faced it toward me and when I heard my mother’s voice I cried,” Ariana Rivera said. 

     “Now we call her every morning and night to show her the baby. If we can’t call, we send her pictures and videos. My mom smiles so wide when she sees him. I know she can’t wait to see him in person, but this is good enough for now,” Kat Rivera said. 

     Nowadays, it is second nature for children to FaceTime with relatives and friends. It’s something to do when they’re bored at home or to check in on someone who lives just down the road. When the Rivera sisters were little, they had to physically visit their friends and family to see them. Ariana says that she remembers having a dial-up internet. 

     “My heart would sink when I heard the busy signal. I had to disconnect from the internet just to make a phone call, only to have my heart broken when the call would not go through. Children have it so convenient nowadays. I’m really glad my nephew will be growing up with all this technology at his fingertips,” Kat Rivera said. 

     “Our other sister Sara had a gender reveal party almost completely online in the beginning of COVID. She even had a virtual baby shower. Without technology, events during the pandemic would be nearly impossible,” Ariana Rivera said.