Kat Rivera, an office worker in Portland, lives with her younger sister, Ariana Rivera. The two live quite far from their mother, who lives in Puerto Rico, where the Rivera sisters were born. They had to move to the U.S. at a young age for a better chance at life. Their mother had to stay in Puerto Rico. 

     “When I was younger and moved to the U.S., there wasn’t all this technology to communicate with my mom,” Kat Rivera said. “It was very hard because I knew I wouldn’t be able to talk with her much. I had to wait for a free time to call her and I didn’t have a good phone plan.”  

     Today, Kat Rivera uses FaceTime and Messenger to communicate with

FaceTime logo.

her mother many times throughout the day. She uses it to send pictures and videos of herself and life events. 
    “It brightens my day when my mother sends me a beautiful selfie or a picture back home. It warms my heart to see that the town I grew up in is still the same.”