The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone, especially college students who are continuing to pursue an education during this stressful time. The devastation and uncertainty of the Coronavirus has affected everyone’s livelihood and mental health this past year. College students have had almost every component of their lives changed in 2020, including their academics, athletics and social life. The pandemic has been hard on all college students’ mental health and how they relieve stress. Despite these lifestyle changes, there are still many ways for college students to cope with their mental health and ways to live a healthy life during this historic pandemic. 

Fred Thomas talks with student Madi Exferd.

     Although there are many ways college students can maintain their mental health, with COVID-19 guidelines in play, it can be much harder. There were substantially fewer human interactions in 2020 and many college students suffered. There have been higher rates of depression and anxiety among college students due to social isolation, stress and the feeling of uncertainty. Mask wearing, social distancing and the avoidance of large gatherings has played a role on the connections and friendships students have. Through this pandemic, it is important to maintain those relationships and friendships. Students can maintain these friendships digitally through phone calls or Zoom. 

     It is extremely important for students to take care of their bodies so that they can be healthy both physically and mentally. Students should maintain a healthy sleep schedule and set a goal to get about 7-8 hours a night. It is always beneficial to eat healthily and get plenty of exercise. A healthy lifestyle starts with exercise, even if it something small. It is very good for your mental health to get some fresh air by going for a walk or bike ride.