“The average dog is nicer than the average person,” Andy Rooney, radio and television writer known for his contribution to “60 Minutes,” said. A feeling of loneliness has been something that everyone feels, especially with recent world events. This can lead to an empty feeling that leaves a hole in people’s lives. However, a pet can bring such joy to life.

Parker enjoying a car ride, on his way to go on a walk.

“Parker has made me so happy. I just feel content when I’m with him,” long-              time animal lover Catherine Small said. Pets can give you a reason to get up in the morning and get outside. They are so good at making you smile, all while keeping you active. “I like taking Fiona on walks and playing with her outside. She makes me feel happy,” active college student Jeffrey Remis said.

      People get a feeling of responsibility when caring for a pet. “It’s your choice not to have one. I highly suggest you get one, only if you can care for it properly. You have to be able to take care of it to get the best experience,” Remis said. The cost can seem overwhelming, but it is worth it to have the friend of a lifetime. “As long as you can care for a pet, you should own one. Dogs cost a lot of money. You need to feed them, buy toys, a bed, brushes, nail clippers, leashes and yearly vet expenses. If you don’t have the money to care for a pet, then you should not have one,” Small said. 

     These animals can help us feel comfort and security. “They also teach you a lot,” Small said. “It teaches me responsibility,” Remis said. People gain a general well-being and sense of responsibility through owning, caring for and loving a pet. In return, you get happiness and a companion to make you feel less alone. Those sweet kisses and cuddles make anyone feel warm and loved. 

     The recent world events have made the feelings of sadness and loneliness more present. These feelings can be fixed with the help of a furry friend, “They make great pals for anyone. They help you feel not as alone. I feel happier when he’s around,” Small said. The image of taking a walk or curling up to watch a good movie with a fluffy friend can help you feel happy. These animal friends are great at boosting your mood with lots of laughter and love.