The life work and community support of Ray and his wife Sandy are highly visible throughout the University of Maine at Presque Isle. The auditorium in Wieden Hall will be named in honor of Ray and Sandy.

       Ray and Sandy are founders of the Aroostook Aspirations Initiative. Ray used his work ethic and his background in business to develop his nonprofits. “It started with a scholarship program for Presque Isle High School students 20 years ago. The success of the scholarships inspired a goal to expand the program to every high school in the county. More than 270 students have received approximately $200,000 in scholarship assistance,” Kathryn said.

       “The opportunity to work side by side and support Ray and Sandy through the founding of the Aroostook Aspirations Initiative that will benefit the future and continue to grow was an honor,” Jason Parent, executive director/ CEO of the Aroostook County Action Program, said. “Ray’s memoir is a story reflecting the people of Aroostook County. We are here tonight to celebrate Ray’s memoir.”

     “A Soldiers Heart: The 3 Wars of Vietnam,” provides background on Ray’s life that helps to explain his determination. “It begins with Ray’s struggles as a French-speaking child with undiagnosed dyslexia. And it ends with the revelations that emerged when he discovers that the demons that had been plaguing him for years were the severe effects of PTSD,” Kathryn said.

                Even in front of a crowd of admirers, Ray remained modest about his life’s work. “Every soldier of war has their own story to tell. This is only one and it’s mine,” he said. For Ray, he is only giving back to a county that has given him something invaluable. “I’ve figured out why Aroostook County is such a special place. It is the sense of community.”

A Soldier's Heart
The cover of Ray’s memoir.

By Megan Waceken