MacKay has also began thinking ahead and planning for Christmas. “Christmas is going to be a different one for a lot of reasons this year,” she said. “However, I think that I will again try to plan and prepare the food piece ahead of time so it’s not such a huge expense right at the end. I can pick up pieces along the way and have everything together. The rest of it, I think I’m winging.”

     MacKay said a lot of it is going to be from the heart this year. In December of 2020, MacKay’s mother lost her battle with ovarian cancer three days before Christmas. “This is going to be a hard year emotionally for our family,’ she said, choking up. “This year is going to be a really hard one and that’s always at the forefront of my mind. I’m just trying to capture every moment and every bit of happiness with the people that are still here that I can love and hold and see.”

From the left, MacKay’s daughter Abi, son Daniel, step daughter Maya, and daughter Hayleigh on Christmas morning 2019.

     With three adult children, MacKay said gifts this year will be a little different with this mantra in mind. “The list of four,” she said. “Something they want, something they need, something they wear and something they read. And that way I can keep it within reason (price-wise) and still make it meaningful.” MacKay said that with inflation in mind, people need to be careful not to overdo their holiday shopping. “It comes down to tomorrows not promised,” she shared. “You need to hold on to whose with you and where you’re at today.”