Michael Dobbs, Evan Zarkadas, Adam Weyenth

     Evan Zarkadas, Adam Weyeneth and Michael Boone, who are students here at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, decided to do a project on Greek Homosexuality for University Day. The presentation was on the common misconceptions of this issue. During this time period, there were “sexual” relations that were not the same as our common understanding of homosexuality today.

     In ancient Greece, an older man (bearded) and a younger boy (no beard) would have a courtship. With this courtship, the youth were courted with gifts. The older man was the teacher, while the younger was the student.

     The students also talked about how there was an ideal male beauty, meaning what older men would look for in a younger boy. Some of the attributes had to be that the young man had broad shoulders, a large chest, muscles, big thighs and the nose had to be straight.

     If a younger man did not have those qualities, then the older man would not be attracted to him at all. Even though it was a courtship and the two men may have been in a relationship, the love that was shared only meant admiration and gratitude.

     When in a relationship, the expected was that both were fair and neither would do or demand something shameful. The unacceptable thing of the relationship would be if one would give up his dominance because that would seem weak. In this time, if this happened, a male adulterer could be punished by having a radish stuck in his rectum or having pubic hair taken off to make him a “woman.”

     The relationship was consensual, and a slave was sent with the young man to make sure that the older man did not do anything unacceptable.

     Even though this presentation could be deemed inappropriate for some people, Evan Zarkadas believes otherwise. “I believe that the presentation went very well. This was a topic that is very controversial, and I am proud that my group was able to deliver a well-stated presentation. I hope that the people who attended were able to get something out of it.”

      The presentation is for further discussion into a topic that not a lot of society knows about. As Adam Weyeneth said, “I’m very pleased that our university gives us an opportunity to get out there and present our work.  I think it’s one of the best things that a university can do for its students, as it builds up the students’ ability to speak publicly and present information.”