NASA recently announced that it is ready to launch a mission to Mars.

According to an article in the “National Conspirator,” NASA’s director of public information, Doug Blastoff, stated the space agency was hoping to launch the mission quietly and then alert the public after the astronauts reached space.  When asked why, he just replied, “Wouldn’t  you?”

The planned mission would be launched on board the new Galaxy Class Space Shuttle Enterprise.  Mr. Blastoff felt this new class of space shuttle will “boldly take this mission where no man has gone before.”

The Galaxy Class Space Shuttle will be making its maiden voyage on this trip.  The ship is 128 feet long and 81 feet wide.  The maximum speed of this new shuttle is 186,282 mile an hour. This spaceship is designed to take off and land like a plane.

A special launch site at the former Loring Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine, has been announced.  The launch site in Aroostook County, Maine, reaches the same temperature as Mars, thus preparing the shuttle for its landing.  Overnight lows of -60 degrees Fahrenheit can be reached at this site.

The four-person crew is comprised of Commander Major Tom, Pilot Mark Deadstick, Navigator Theresa Sextant and Payload Specialist Margaret Cargo.  It is expected that this crew will spend the six-month trip doing experiments and readying equipment for their stay on Mars.

While on Mars, the crew will collect Mars rocks and study the planet’s terrain and atmosphere.  Following a nine-month stay, the shuttle will take off and fly back to Earth.

NASA has been preparing for an expected launch date of Monday, April 1, 2019.  The launch window opens at 7:20 a.m. and will close at 4:01 p.m.  If you are interested in watching the launch, come to Limestone, Maine, on the first.  Local vendors will be available with popcorn and maple candy.


04/01 Launch of the NGC 001 Space Shuttle for Mars.

04/03 19:57 Moon enters the Seventh House.

04/04 19:03 Jupiter aligns with Mars.

04/06 18:12 The age of Aquarius dawns.

04/06 16:10 Jupiter’s four largest moons appear on the right side of Jupiter.

04/10 00:01 Moon at 3 and 7/10s phase.

04/11 20:18 Total solar eclipse visible in Vermont.

04/12 00:18 Total lunar eclipse visible on the east coast of Maine.

04/13 13:04 Best day to plant tomatoes.