
UMPI’s a capella group was formed just this last September. Auditions were held on the stage at Wieden Hall in front of the group’s founders (and consequential first members) Lassana and Lossene Dorleh. From the pool of auditioners five members emerged: Adawnya Barry, Rebecca Bowers, Debbi Herne, Lydia Tilley and Adrien Tourtelotte. Skylar Hebert was also a member, but recently had to leave the group following a school transfer. With advice from Shirley Rush and extra help from Ryan Tebo the group is working on compiling a set list that includes many popular songs, including Beyonce’s “XO” and Ruth B’s “Lost Boy.”

The a cappella group intends to offer wintertime song-o-grams as a fundraiser, and will perform later this semester to showcase their skills. Between conflicting schedules, room reservations and trying to find arrangements that will compliment everyone’s range it’s been a trickier process than anyone thought. On top of that, groups are expected to perform basic choreography while singing to create a more engaging performance. UMPI’s group intends to come up with all of that on their own. As one of the few singing groups in the area it’s important for everyone to come together and create a long-standing club, which could possibly spread an appreciation for vocal music on campus and around town. Music unites even the most divided people and it allows us to express things words alone never could. By forming this new group UMPI is offering students a chance to collaborate and create something wonderful, connective and enjoyable.