Photo taken by student Carly Bell of UMPI Student Ethan Dube donating blood

      With the recent hurricanes and tropical storms that have left parts of the southern United States devastated, you may be asking yourself, How can I help or what I can do? The University of Maine at Presque Isle Red Cross Club had that answer: come on down to a local blood drive and donate. As UMPI hosted a blood drive on Sept. 20, the UMPI Red Cross Club was hard at work, helping Red Cross employees in the blood donation process. With a goal of 56 pints of blood for collection, the Red Cross club saw students and community members from all walks of life there at the blood drive to give back and donate.

     Bonnie Corey, vice president of the UMPI Red Cross club, was on hand at the event and talked a little bit about what the UMPI Red Cross club does. “(The UMPI Red Cross Club) plans a blood drive every semester.  We hold a fundraiser, which will be a spaghetti supper.  And we do an emergency preparedness event, which will be certifying individuals in CPR and first aid this year.”

     Craig Babin, supervisor for the Red Cross Blood Drive that day, said that the process for donating was relatively simple. “The process is typically a 10-20-minute process for whole blood donation and around 35 minutes for a power red donation.  We do a mini physical, medical history check and then you’re donating.  Those donating should have a good meal and drink lots of water before donating.”

     With the need of blood at an all-time high and only 3 percent of the population donating blood, Babin strongly encouraged all who are interested to come on down and try to donate at a local blood drive. One of those students who felt a need to come down and donate was Kara Plourde, a fourth year UMPI transfer student in the MLT Program. Plourde, who has donated before, said, “I want to help people and the process is relatively quick and painless.” Plourde also mentioned, “Your body reproduces this blood, so by donating, it’s not like it’s going to waste.”

     Community member Marcie King was also on hand that day to donate. King who has donated blood 10 times before, had advice for anyone interested in donating but was unsure. “Just do it! It’s honestly not any worse than getting a shot at the doctor’s office.”

     King and Plourde’s donations will go on to potentially save the lives of up to three people with each pint of blood they gave. With the opportunity to save up to three lives of people across the United States with your donation, donating blood seems like the perfect opportunity to give back. This past blood dirve didn’t quite reach its goal.  But with your help, the next one can.

     For more information on how to get involved in the UMPI Red Cross Club, be sure to attend a club meeting on the first and third Fridays of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Center for Innovative Learning.  Or contact Bonnie Corey at .