In the beginning they were co-workers and high school sweethearts. Six years later, Justin Waceken and Caryn Boutaugh get to plan their big day together. “I proposed in November of 2020. The experience was more exciting than scary for me. I was excited to see Caryn’s reaction and for all that the future would hold after I proposed,” Justin said. 

     Justin and Caryn originally met in school. “We met in 2015 in high school. We were in jazz band together and we work for the same place, too. As we were working and going to school, we started talking more,” Caryn said. “I worked center store at Hannaford stocking shelves. Caryn worked at the front-end registers. We worked a lot of evening and closing shifts. A lot of times in the evening, it was slow so I would go to the front end and talk to Caryn,” Justin said.

Justin and Caryne.

     In the time spent getting to know each other, they discovered a spark that formed a bond between them. “As we started hanging out more, we started discovering more interests together. Me and Caryn both like the outdoors. We also enjoy always being busy, whether it be hanging out with friends, exploring or playing games together,” Justin said. “We started dating almost seven years ago and it was a couple of months in when we exchanged ‘I love yous.’ I think I said it first.”