Dear folks, 

     I hope that you’re all doing well and enjoying the sort-of spring weather. Spring semester always goes by so fast, which is both a good and emotional thing. For underclassman, there is stress but a sense of excitement because the finish line is so close. For graduating seniors, the only way I can describe the way I’m feeling is like I’m holding my breath. I feel like if I blink, I might miss all the small moments between now and May 7th

     What a ride being editor has been. I have done some reflecting on my time as editor and come to the biggest conclusion: I will miss this. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to write to you all every semester for the past three years. Not only has this been a great outlet for me as a writer, but also as a leader, as I have grown and stretched to reach many goals. 

     I have nothing but high hopes for the future of University Times and look forward to seeing future content.

Abi Davis, editor.

     Until we cross paths again,

     Abi Davis