Hi folks,

I know it’s been a while since I’ve last written to you all! Times have certainly been extraordinary, that’s for sure. Since the last time I wrote, I have moved back home. Living somewhere that isn’t Presque Isle is something you have to get used to. Even though when I’m at school I miss home, being home has me oddly missing Presque Isle more.

For whatever the reason, I feel like I don’t need a summer break. I unfortunately lost my job due to my move home, so I have not had a whole lot of anything to do over this quarantine. The only silver lining is that my boyfriend has been quarantining with me.

I have a short but funny story. So, two-and-a-half months ago, at the beginning of quarantine, I became fixated on the idea of cutting my hair. I wanted bangs. My younger sister advised against it, as she herself had bangs and quote, “I don’t want you to copy my look.” But anyway, I started watching hair-cutting videos, mostly of women cutting their own bangs. All of the videos made it look effortless.

One Thursday, after attending my weekly PCJ Zoom meeting, I FaceTimed my best friend, Caitlyn. Cait and I were casually chatting when I got the sudden and overwhelming urge to be dramatic. Me being me, I got the scissors. Without saying anything, I walked upstairs and found a comb and clips. Walking back downstairs to my bedroom, I shut and locked my door behind me. The whole time, Cait was on FaceTime staring at me, silent, through my screen.

I took my position in front of my humongous wall mirror and began sectioning my hair like the woman in the Buzzfeed video. Holding my breath, I told my friend to encourage me. Holding my breath, I literally cut inches off and chopped the most uneven bangs. Realizing what I had done, I ran upstairs in hysterics. I was sobbing, my sister and brother were laughing, Cait was screaming over FaceTime and my mom was freaking out because she didn’t know what was going on. (What was going on was I was running around my kitchen and living room sobbing while clutching my forehead.)

Moral of the story: don’t cut your own bangs, no matter how easy Buzzfeed makes it look. My only saving grace was my sister and her ability to fix my mistake.

To close out the 2019-2020 academic year, I just wanted to thank everyone. Readers, contributors, staff writers: thank you all. I hope that everyone stays safe and healthy during these extraordinary times. I would also like to congratulate all of UMPI’s 2020 graduates. I wish we could have celebrated your hard work together.

Until this fall,


Abi Davis

Pictured: Abi Davis, UTimes editor.