Greetings and welcome to all of our students here at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.  The campus seems to be electric with all the student activity and traffic going on.

My name is Ralph McPherson and I am the counselor here at the campus.  This is my fifth year here at the university.  The counseling office is located on the basement level of the old library, which is now called the Center for Innovative Learning (CIL).  You can reach me at any time by calling 768-9791 or sending email to

The counseling office is a free service offered to students to help support their academic efforts.  Students can face many challenges and obstacles that hamper or deter the ability to perform.  I see students for many different reasons.  Sometimes the issues are related to being away from home for the first time.  Students can struggle with college life, time management, coping with stress, academic challenges and homesickness.  Students can have other issues such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse issues that interfere with daily functioning.   Regardless of the issue, the counseling office is a safe and confidential space to seek help, guidance and assistance where needed.

My office hours are posted on my door, but typically I am on campus Monday-Friday in the late afternoons into the evening.  Special appointments can be made by contacting Mary Kate Barbosa, director of student support services, at 768-9613.  We work closely as a team to help meet the needs of our students.

I would offer this small piece of advice as we begin the new semester.  Get involved with campus life.   I always encourage students to make the university a better place by getting involved with groups, activities, residence hall life and sports.  The university has a great deal to offer.  More important, work hard in your classes.  It’s important to attend class, complete assignments and study outside of the classroom.  Be prepared by reviewing and familiarizing yourself with the class syllabi.

I wish you a great year at the university.  This is a great place with caring people.  We want to see you succeed both at the academic and personal level.  Please stop by my office at any time to say hello.