Each of the members of Spotlight had to give up certain things in order to follow the story. Sacha used to go to church with her nana. She stopped going because of the story. Robby faced issues from his coworkers and his personal life. Many people told the team to drop the story. Matt had anxiety because a facility to “treat” priests was just a street away from his. He feared for his children’s safety. Mike faced similar problems to Robby’s. He also was trying to prove himself in a sense. He seemed to be continually trying to prove to others that he was an asset and a good reporter. Mike also tried to push the story because he was passionate.

     After they were able to expose the church, the team members gained a lot of insight. Their job was extremely important. The story was a difficult one to research and write. Throughout the process, they had to face the victims. This was extremely hard because of the traumatic topic. They all gained a new perspective on both their jobs and their relationships.

     Everyone should see this film to learn about the truth behind an aspect of the Catholic Church. If you don’t know about this issue, you should. This film will open your eyes to the trauma some go through when a part of the Catholic religion. These journalists did everything in their power to make sure the Church was held accountable for their actions. They did this because the First Amendment and Freedom of the Press allow them to follow the story through to the finish.

      Journalists will do anything for a good story. They risk their lives, jobs and sanity in order to get the information out to the public. In “Spotlight,” they show just how far journalists will go to educate the masses.

     This fast-paced film follows the intricate process behind an investigative report. Full of big name actors such as Mark Ruffolo, Michael Keaton, Stanley Tucci and Rachel McAdams,“Spotlight” is a must-see film.