This year’s election has been one of the most talked about in years. Everyone has an opinion and makes sure that his or her voice is heard. So with the election finally over and done with, we look back at how we got here, and the people who have spoken up about the election and made a difference here at UMPI.

For the Republican Party, that voice would be Blake Winslow. He is a third year business administration major who loves everything about politics and always has something to say about the election. He is also a member of the college republicans, so he knows a lot about what is happening in this election in regards to Donald Trump.

“Things are looking good in terms of the presidential election. Mr. Trump is catching up to Clinton’s former lead,” Winslow said. “The polls are showing that he is ahead in states that they never thought he’d be in.

“I’ve been seeing for the past several decades, through presidents, that since Jimmy Carter, people have been electing the underdog, so to speak. Overall, the trend is over the past several decades, several presidents, people are electing the least qualified, but then they become good presidents.”

Although the election is over, Winslow gave this advice about voting that we can use for future elections, not just this one.

“If you do vote, do your research first. Don’t just go to the polls, because I know there are referendums out there that are worded very poorly,” Winslow said. “The language presented on these ballots is misleading, it’s only a paragraph. These referendums were forty, fifty pages long. So please read these referendums. I know it’s a pain, but these are citizen’s initiatives, meaning that as soon as their voted upon they will be law in the coming months. So be careful with the way you vote. Vote with your conscience and vet the candidates.”

So with the election year over with, we have a lot to look back upon. From what Winslow said, Donald Trump was really an underdog throughout this whole election. Many people believed he had no chance, and he proved that even without any government background, he could pull ahead. It will be interesting to see what he does with his term as President of the United States.