Intramurals basketball in Gentile has become a large part of UMPI culture. Nearly one hundred UMPI students and alumni participate. Every Tuesday and Thursday night during season students come to watch and partake. Commissioner Quinton Harris oversees the games.

Harris’ role includes setting up game times and running the score and clock. Harris is also the referee for all game (except his own, in which case spectators step in). Harris answers to Dick Gardiner, director of Gentile Hall.

The rules of participation are simple. Gather enough friends including, but not limited to, one female per team. Pick a team color, which will count as your team’s “jerseys” and come to the initial meeting with the intramurals commissioner to sign up your team.

Games run from 6 until 10 p.m. A running time of 20 minutes per half makes up a 40-minute game. Team members from all teams come early and linger after their game times to watch, cheer on and playfully mock the other teams. The atmosphere is playful and friendly.

“One of my favorite parts of intramurals season is just watching the other teams play. We always get laughing and joking with each other,” Tommy Collins, frequent spectator and funny guy, said.

Collins is also part of the “pink” team despite his busy schedule on the UMPI men’s baseball team this semester. Sean Harding, also a “pink” team member, recently resigned his role as intramurals commissioner after three years of dedicated service.

“I had a good run there for a while. I love being involved in intramurals, but with graduation around the corner it was time to turn my responsibilities over to someone new,” Harding, liberal arts major and senior, said.

Quinton Harris, junior at UMPI, quickly stepped into Harding’s role as commissioner. Harris has always been a large part of intramurals. Harris is also a third year member of the UMPI men’s basketball team. A competitive player himself, you can often find him scouting the other teams when he isn’t playing.

“I love basketball, watching, playing, coaching . . . all of it. Becoming the commissioner was a no brainer. And it will be a great resume builder for me in the future,” Harris, men’s UMPI basketball player, said.

With the involvement and dedication from guys such as Harris and Harding, intramurals have grown. Tuesday and Thursday are something to look forward to for all involved.

Intramurals have become a great time to socialize for UMPI students. First years have the opportunity to play alongside upperclassmen. Students integrate into social groups they might never encounter outside of intramurals. Overall intramurals is a great place to meet new people and create friendships.

For more information on how to be involved next semester, feel free to stop by Gentile gymnasium between 6 and 10 p.m. this month.