Do you ever wonder what qualifies people to get their own reality shows?   Going full “lights, camera, action!” in certain hair salons would be some of the best entertainment a network could provide.  A small town in Salisbury, Md., shares some of its wild experiences in salon life.

    Marissa Metcalf, co-owner of Edit Downtown Salon, can’t get her laughter under control as she recounts one of her most memorable clients.  One day a new client named Linda sat down in Marissa’s chair.  Linda was somewhere between mid and late 60s.  Linda promptly informed Marissa that she had gotten to the salon by test driving a vehicle.  Her daughter would never take her anywhere.  So she called the local dealership, told them that she was in the market for a vehicle but had no transportation, and they picked her up with the shuttle.  They allowed her to take a vehicle out for a spin, so she drove to the salon.  She also explained to her stylist that she had just spent the night in jail.  Her daughter had refused to take her to bingo, so Linda had called 911 32 times! Needless to say, the authorities were very unhappy with her and let her stew overnight in a cell.

    Stephanie Heavner remembers an encounter with a 7-year-old boy.  “He moved around more than a 3-year-old child.  I had to threaten him and tell him the last child who didn’t sit still got his ear cut off,” she laughed.  The child then asked her why she was taking so long, told her she was the worst “haircutter” in the world, and then told her she was fat.  Meanwhile, the boy’s mother was sitting next to them not saying a word.

    Sometimes salon guests say some off-the-wall things, making stylists wonder if Ashton Kutcher is going to pop out and yell “you’ve been Punk’d!”  With the variety of people coming in and out of these establishments, there will always be a great story!