The Admssions Team. Admissions Counselors Jessica Cameron, Jennifer Buzza and Jon Ouellette. Director of Admissions Sue White. Not pictured–Administrative Specialist Nancy Nichols.

For many of you, the Admissions Office is the first place you visited when you stepped foot on the University of Maine at Presque Isle campus for the first time. Whether you came for a tour or were merely in search of a friendly face to point you in the right direction, Admissions has functioned as the touching off point for virtually every student taking classes this semester.

For even more of you, Admissions served as your first point of contact even before you found yourself enrolling in classes or moving into your dorm room. It might have been a phone call or a (slightly) annoying email. It might have been something you were sent in the mail encouraging you to apply or providing you information about a certain academic program or upcoming open house event. It might have been an Admissions Counselor visiting your school or chatting with you at a college fair.

Regardless of the manner in which you found yourself here–whether you’re a first-year student nervous about embarking on your college journey or an upperclassman looking anxiously to life after graduation–we are so very excited, grateful and honored to have helped each and every one of you through the admission process and to welcome all UMPI Owls onto campus for the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

Classes are now underway, Convocation has come and gone with a bang and soon enough, you’ll look up at the calendar and wonder where the Fall 2019 semester went. Before that happens, though, Admissions has a request to make of you: What are your stories?

It’s no secret that recruiting in the post-secondary world, regardless of your location, is easier said than done. So what made you choose UMPI? If you are a returning student, what made you stay? When it comes down to it, recruiting–and by extension, ensuring the future of this university–is a team effort.  And there is no one more qualified to recruit than the people who live and breathe UMPI every single day.

So stop on into Admissions to say hi, grab a snack and have a chat. We would love to hear how your classes are going and how you’re settling in this fall.  And we’ll always be here to point you in the right direction.

From all of us here in Admissions, welcome back to The Way It Should Be.