Vortex Snowmobile Tank

There has been extremely cold weather with big snowfall this year, which has certainly caused a lot of troubles for commuting to school. Thanks a lot to school workers who always get rid of lots of snow from the roads and parking in time. They even need to work in the wee hours of the morning and evening for everyone’s convenience.

Because of deep snows throughout the winter, snow clearing is a huge workload. UMPI discussed the problem and found a solution. UMPI is so happy to be the first to introduce the advanced snow-clearing equipment called the vortex snowmobile tank.

The tank is equipped with a jet engine on the chassis, which relies on the high temperature and high-speed tail gas flow to blow and clean up long-distance and high-level snow on the ground.  In adverse environments, the snowmobile tank also has snow pulling characteristics, strong three-phase power output, excellent protective performance, off-road performance, etc. The average speed of the “vortex snowmobile tank” is 20-30km/h, and the maximum speed in the highway can reach 48-50km/h.

The vortex snowmobile tank undoubtedly solves the problem of snow clearing. Not only does it bring travel convenience to us after the snow, but it also reduces the workload of staff members. The vortex snowmobile tank is on its way to UMPI.  We hope we can see it soon!