With Thanksgiving around the corner, there is plenty that students are preparing before they leave for a week. From the packing to bring home summer clothes and swop them for winter, to perhaps graduating this December, students are busy!  Before they know it, the holidays are around the corner, and they are behind on homework, getting packed and preparing in general. Here are three tips to get through this holiday season.

Tip number one, get homework done way ahead of time.  If there is a class completely open and you can get it done, do it.  “I tried to get all my homework done before I went on break, which meant I wouldn’t have to worry and could just spend time with my family! My favorite has always been going Black Friday shopping and if I didn’t do my homework before I left, I felt like I couldn’t enjoy that time with my family” Stephanie Redman, junior at the University of Maine at Fort Kent, said.  By getting the homework done and over with, you can enjoy the holidays with your family and don’t have to worry about studying in your room the whole week.

Tip number two, get everything packed in advance.  This time of year in northern Maine, summer clothes are not in season.  By packing the summer clothes and getting them ready for the trip home, you will be able to leave much sooner. “Well, when I was going home, I found that if I packed my car the night before, I would be able to leave directly after my last class,” Redman said.  Having a two-hour drive home, Redman couldn’t afford to waste one second without it costing her valuable time.

The third and final advice is to drive safely.  Northern Maine has been known to have snow fall in October, meaning that in mid-November, roads can be treacherous.  Take your time driving.  Even if it seems that the road is dry, it may not be.  Don’t make the mistake, because it could result in an accident.

The biggest theme is to plan so that you aren’t rushing the day you go home.  By getting homework done, packing and taking necessary precautions driving, you should arrive safe and sound and stress free during this stressful time of year.