Nancy Nichols smiles as she awaits her next appointment.

There’s nothing any greater than a mother figure. Nancy Nichols seems to fulfill that role for many people.  Nancy started working as an administrative specialist at the University of Maine at Presque Isle in 2011 and has been making parents and students alike feel right at home ever since. ” My position is the administrative specialist for the admissions office. I do a multitude of things, mostly taking care of visitors when they come.  Organize their campus visits and groups visits from high schools that come visit the school,” Nancy said.

Nancy came across the job at UMPI when she decided it was time for a career change. “Well, I had worked 23 years in municipal government and I felt it was time for a change. And I had gone to ACAP and through budget cuts, I could see the writing on the wall. I noticed this position in the paper.  So I decided to apply for the position, because in the back of my mind I always wanted to come here and work at the university,” Nancy said.

Nancy enjoys cooking and sharing with her friends.  She is very noted for bringing baked goods into the admissions office.  Nancy’s favorite part of her job is taking care of everyone she meets.   She has always been a people person and will strike up conversation with the shyest person.  “The people that I meet. I love to take care of people, so this is very fitting because I’m the consigliere. I make sure that everybody is well provided for and taken care of and are at the right place for the right time. And just when they leave here, they are smiling and they’re happy with their visit,” Nichols said.

Although Nancy does not have any human children, she has been mothering furry friends for decades.   At one point, she was the mother of a dog named Sheba.  “She was a Cocker Spaniel/Shih Tzu mix and lived up to the ripe old age of 15+ years.  When she passed away she left a gaping hole in our hearts.  That was five years ago and we now feel we are ready to adopt.  I have submitted a couple applications to puppy rescues. We are looking to adopt a medium-size dog that we can bring with us should we decide to do some traveling.  Now that my husband has retired we (he) can devote time in training a puppy,” Nancy said.

Nancy was on the board for the humane society here in Presque Isle. “ I used to serve on the board of directors (from 2011 to 2017).  It was a great board to be on as we were the voices for the animals.  Those who serve on that board do so with the best interest of the animals that need homes.  Board members are active in fundraising for the animal shelter such as the Toast to the Animals wine tasting event held in October and the ‘Paws for the Cause’ walk held in June.  The individuals who support these events are so generous and raise a good amount of funding for the shelter,” Nancy said.

Nancy even has her own favorite event for the humane society.  “I particularly like to help out at the Toast fundraiser as it’s my favorite event.  I even donate my peanut butter fudge for the silent auction that takes place.  It has proven to bring in good donations,” Nancy said.

Though she is looking for a new puppy, Nancy still has room for other animals. “I dog sit for my closest friends.  My husband and I are considered ‘Auntie and Uncle’ to these fur babies,” Nancy said.

Nancy reflects that love and compassion in her work.  Tricia Armstrong, director of admissions, has worked with Nancy since Nancy started.  “Nancy is very dedicated.  She’s here all the time when she needs to be. She loves people and is very friendly. I think she does a really good job at greeting our visitors.”

Nancy Nichols has been at admissions for eight years and during that time, she has done her best to make every single visitor feel at home.  She makes sure that every visit is a unique experience and the people are satisfied but yearning to find out more.  Nancy is an asset to the college and is truly in her element.