Pet videos have become super popular during lockdown. There are adorable clips all over the internet, and they bring a bit of joy even to the grumpiest person. Watching this kind of content can get someone through a difficult day. It is hard to believe that there could be a dark side to such an innocent trend.

Sadly, reality is very different from what we see on social media. “People forget that pets are living beings that need a lot of work and patience,” Brazilian vet Mariana Azevedo said. “They see a pet doing something cute online and want to buy an animal that will do the same. When the pet does not behave the way they expect, they get frustrated. Then, people try to get rid of their pets. They sell them or give them away. A lot of the time, they just put them on the streets.”

All pets deserve a good home, but not all of them are lucky.

The problem is even worse in poorer countries, where people do not usually desex their pets. Desexing is a procedure that stops animals from breeding. Many cities around the world have an overpopulation of cats and dogs. Too many abandoned animals together can spread disease to one another and to humans.

Cats on the streets cause serious issues. Many owners do not keep their cats inside the house. That means domestic cats that have access to the street get mixed with street cats, increasing the problems they cause. “Cats reproduce fast, and they are good hunters. That is dangerous to local wildlife. Owners need to be responsible and keep their cats inside or build a cat patio. It’s not just that they cause trouble, but they are also not safe out there. Many of them get sick or hit by a car. Angry neighbors can poison them,” Azevedo said.