Does anyone really consider what brands matter to athletes?  You might think that this would be a big deal to professional athletes.  But what about at the college level?  The University Times decided to ask.   

      Kristijan Gavrilovski, who is a former guard on the University of Maine at Presque Isle men’s basketball team, said, “Athletes like to play in brands that are most comfortable and look the best for them. Also, athletes take into consideration when looking for colleges or where to play college sports because of what brand the school is sponsored by.”

     Brands play roles in even the school that people go to. People often think that athletes just play in whatever brands that are there.  But this is not always the case, because they may pick the brand that makes them look the best when playing.

Kevin Collins, a senior guard on the University of Maine at Presque Isle men’s basketball team, said, “When I am playing at my highest level of competition, it is when I am comfortable.  And what I am wearing plays a role. Also, people tend to play better and more confidently when they are in the brand of clothes or shoes that make them feel the most comfortable.”

     Who would have thought that there are that many factors to how people pick schools or what makes them play at their highest level? Most of the highest level college schools are sponsored by one of the top brands. Schools get sponsors from these brands to help get people or athletes to come to their school. These brands are used as a “pitch” to get more people to the school.