What do you get when you combine a fundraiser for cancer assistance with paint and shower caps or shaved heads?  You get Planet Head Day, of course!

What is Planet Head Day?  It is an opportunity to help raise funds that are used to assist local cancer patients.  Planet Head Day is one of two annual fundraisers held by the local nonprofit group “Caring Area Neighbors for Cancer Education and Recovery – C.A.N.C.E.R.”

Funds raised by C.A.N.C.E.R. stay in the area and are used to supply free personal care products, “Break of Life Visitations,” tote bags, a patient oriented message board and a live chat room.  Funds are also used to help patients get to and from appointments and cover some of the costs not covered by insurance.

How are funds raised?  Attendees donate funds and either have their heads shaved or wear shower caps.  Once you are ready, you have your favorite planet, asteroid, moon or comet painted on their head.

Since Planet Head Day was established in 2007, about 1,000 people have worn shower caps or had their heads shaved.  All told, Planet Head Day has raised approximately $150,000 for local cancer education and relief.  For additional information email info@C-A-N-C-E-R.com.  You may also call 207-768-6826.  You can also go to http://www.c-a-n-c-e-r.com.

The 13th annual Planet Head Day will be on Saturday, March 16, 2019, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Wieden Hall Gym at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.  So, if you are looking for something to do on Saturday, March 16, 2019, stop by Wieden Hall, help local cancer victims and become a planet head.

To see a video of a past Planet Head Day go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9HwnLFkwSM&t=14s




All of the times and events listed below are from www.calsky.com.  You may register at this site and load your location (anywhere in the world) to be able to get event information and times.  The University of Maine at Presque Isle is located at 68d00m7.8s west longitude and 46d40m45.6s north latitude.


The International Space Station is visible as follows:

Morning – Feb. 22 to March 17.

Evening–March 20 to April 9.


To get a free sky chart go to www.skymaps.com.


Sun and Planet Visibility


06:36 Sunrise.

18:44 Sunset.

Not visible Mercury.

05:24 – 06:36 Venus.

19:12 – 23:30 Mars.

02:00 – 06:24 Jupiter.

03:42 – 06:06 Saturn.



06:04 Sunrise.

19:05 Sunset.

05:24 – 05:36 Mercury.

05:06 – 06:01 Venus.

19:36 – 23:24 Mars.

01:00 – 05:54 Jupiter.

02:42 – 05:36 Saturn.


03/10 02:00 Daylight Saving Time begins – turn clocks ahead one hour – lose an hour of sleep.

03/10 06:20 ISS passes 1.0 degree from Vega (Alpha Lyra).

03/11 19:00 Moon 6.6 degrees from Mars.

03/14 PI Day.

03/14 04:34 ISS passes 1.4 degrees from Altair (Alpha Aquila).

03/14 06:10 ISS passes 0.8 degrees from Antares (Alpha Scorpius).

03/14 06:27 First Quarter Moon.

03/14 21:48 Mercury passes between the Earth and the sun.

03/16 10:00 – 13:00 Planet Head Day.

03/17 19:00 Equilux – Equal day and night for the Presque Isle area.

03/19 15:54 Moon at perigee – Closest to the Earth (223,312 miles, 359,387 km).

03/20 17:58 March Equinox – Spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere.

03/20 21:42 Full Moon.

03/21 20:04 ISS passes 1.4 degrees from Adhara (Epsilon Canis Major).

03/23 07:36 Spring begins in the northern hemisphere on Mars.

03/23 20:00 ISS passes 1.5 degrees from Procyon (Alpha Canis Minor).

03/23 21:35 ISS passes 1.5 degreed from Mars.

03/24 13:27 Mercury 2.5 degrees from Neptune.

03/25 19:54 ISS passes 0.5 degrees from Capella (Alpha Aurigae).

03/27 02:18 Moon 2.7 degrees from Jupiter.

03/28 00:09 Last Quarter Moon.

03/29 03:54 Moon 2.1 degrees from Saturn.

03/29 18:06 ISS passes 0.4 degrees from Mars.

03/31 20:21 Moon at apogee – Farthest from the Earth (251,995 miles, 405,547 km).

04/02 05:36 Mercury 0.4 degrees from Neptune.

04/02 05:48 Moon 3.9 degrees from Venus.

04/03 05:36 Moon 5.9 degrees from Mercury.

04/04 21:01 ISS passes 1.0 degrees from Aldebaran (Alpha Taurus).

04/05 04:50 New Moon.

04/06 20:56 ISS passes 0.8 degrees from Sirius (Alpha Canis Major).

04/07 20:03 ISS passes 0.9 degrees from the moon.

04/07 20:04 ISS passes 0.7 degrees from Alnilam (Epsilon Orion).

04/07 20:04 ISS passes 0.9 degrees from Alnitak (Zeta Orion).

04/08 19:13 ISS passes 1.4 degrees from Mars.

04/08 22:42 Moon 6.5 degrees from Mars.

04/10 02:13 Venus 0.3 degree from Neptune.

04/10 03:42 Mercury at aphelion – farthest from the sun (43,382,475 miles, 69,817,326 km).

04/11 15:42 Mercury at greatest elongation west – 27.7 degrees – visible in the morning.

04/12 15:05 First Quarter Moon.

04/12 21:24 Mercury at half phase.

04/16 15:02 Mercury 4.3 degrees from Venus.

04/16 18:12 Moon at perigee – closest to the Earth (226,319 mile, 364,225 km).

04/17 22:24 Venus at aphelion – farthest from the sun (67,690,419 miles, 108,937,169 km).

04/19 07:12 Full Moon.