All the President’s Men is a very important film.  It shows historic moments in American history, both in politics and journalism.  The film is about two journalists who work for the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, who are determined to write a good and accurate story about the break in into the Democratic National Committee’s office in the Watergate Building, also known as the Watergate Scandal.

These two journalists endlessly searched for answers about what truly happened that night, and came upon many dead ends and many changing statements from people involved.  They didn’t give up.  They kept searching for answers.  They thought it was very important to get this story and to tell the world what happened that night.  This movie shows how important the First Amendment right of Freedom of the Press is.

In this day and age, where there is internet, paparazzi, and people who only care about where Justin Bieber ate for lunch or who Kendall Jenner is dating, freedom of the press can be taken advantage of.  Many paparazzi and journalists can invade a celebrity’s personal life for a story.  This movie shows that right being used properly.  An important event happened, and the journalists searched endlessly for answers, no matter how many times they were told no by the people involved.  If freedom of the press wasn’t a constitutional right, Woodward and Bernstein would have been stopped before they even got a decent lead in their story.  If they hadn’t pursued the story like they did, Nixon and his re-election committee may have gotten away with the things they did.  This movie teaches us that no matter what, never give up on finding the truth and doing what is right, which is a very important lesson everybody needs to learn.  This movie shows what true journalism looks like, and that’s very important for people today to see, since there are so many fake and intrusive magazines and blogs out there, claiming to be journalists.