UMPI’s business club ladies, smiling in a selfie

In a two-part presentation given by UMPI’s business club, attendees were given some helpful advice. Jessica Cameron, along with Elizabeth Butterfield, covered the first half titled “If the club fits.” Lauren Chapman and Madison Shaw concluded with their section titled “Wear It.” The four seniors, who are marching in May, were mentored by Stacey Emery.

Cameron, who is the current club president, started the presentation by sharing the importance of joining a club. The first important piece she discussed was listening. “One of the major components that a club taught me was to listen,” Cameron said. “Sometimes I don’t like group projects because it’s a lot of input and I like to take control. Becoming the UMPI business club president, I learned to listen to others’ input and to put it to use.” The pair went on to discuss the benefits of extracurriculars. They also shared how universities encourage them as a way to keep students on campus.

UMPI’s long list of clubs provides students with an array of leadership roles. Clubs are what this group considers to be a major resume booster. “Employers look for what you’re involved in,” Butterfield said. “Your resume is a very important part of getting a job. They look at if you’re dedicated to things and what you’re doing. A club is very important to them.” Cameron pointed out that there is a 53 percent higher chance of job opportunity for prospective employees who can list collegiate extracurriculars. The second half, presented by Chapman and Shaw, further highlighted benefits of joining a club. These included networking and campus involvement opportunities to teamwork and responsibility.

The business club meets every Thursday at 1 p.m. in the Owl’s Nest. Anyone who is interested in joining is welcome to attend a meeting.