Holidays in the times of Corona have everyone feeling a little glum. While Trick-or-Treating might be a little trickier this year, here’s an easy way to spread a little happiness this spooky season while sticking
to a budget.
To start, you’re going to want to want to set a budget. As a college student, money can sometimes be pretty tight. While you might not have a lot to give, Boo Baskets are the gift that keeps on giving. When you start this little project, keep in mind that the person you Boo is supposed to pass the treat along, Booing someone else. For this example, let’s have a budget of $20.
Once you have your budget set, make a list. On your list, start by putting a festive pail or other cute Halloween bag. Next, add a bag of candy. Aside from these two items, you’re going to want to budget your money in order to add other items to your Boo Basket. Be however creative you want!
The next step is to find your local dollar store, or any sort of inexpensive store. This example Boo Basket has items found at both the Dollar Tree and Walmart. Just to give an idea of prices, below is a list of each item, price and where each thing in the bucket was bought:
– Festive Halloween pail: $1 (Dollar Tree)
– Cute scrunchies: $1 ea. (Dollar Tree)
– Bag of candy: $1 (Dollar Tree)
– Cookie crypt kit: $6.98 (Walmart)
– 2-pack of festive socks: $3.48 (Walmart)
– Halloween hair ties: $4 (Walmart)
– Cute Halloween cup with straw: $0.98 (Walmart)
– Funny Halloween flask: $1.98 (Walmart)
This list might inspire you, but don’t feel that you have to follow the entire list yourself. Feel free to get anything you want. Just be mindful of your budget. Your friends don’t want you to go bankrupt in
order to make this basket.
Once you have gathered all of your Boo Basket materials, go ahead and place them all in the pail. If you’re feeling a little extra, throw in a piece of tissue
paper to make it look pretty.
When everything is looking as you want it to, bring your baskets to your

Don’t forget to capture a your friend’s reaction when you drop the basket off to them! Pictured: Maraia Nason of Sebago, ME. Nason attends UMaine at Orono.
friends. Whether they live in the dorm room down the hall, are your roommate or reside across town, drop it off to them. Don’t forget to tell them, “You’ve just been ‘Booed!’”