Don’t forget to wear Red in February for Heart Disease Awareness Month.  Exercise and dietary changes can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.  Eating foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids is proven to help lower cholesterol levels.  Some of those foods would be salmon and other fish, almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds, just to name a few.  Some other heart healthy foods would be green leafy vegetables, berries, whole grains, avocados, dark chocolate and olive oils.  So for Valentine’s Day this year you could have bought your loved one some strawberries dipped in dark chocolate!

If it’s too cold to get outside, don’t forget about all the fitness classes I teach.  Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have Fit Camp from 5-5:45 p.m.  Tuesdays I teach a Total Body Weight Training class from 12-12:30 p.m.  And Monday and Thursdays I teach Fusion from 12-12:45 p.m. in the Campus Center, room 112.  I also offer personal training if you need someone to set you up on a personalized workout routine.  Email me at for more information.

Welcome back students for a second semester!!  Let’s get active with some intramurals!

Basketball sign up is from Feb. 25 until March 1.  Basketball season will start on March 4. If you have any questions about intramurals, you can email Jonathon Bowman at

Students, faculty and staff, don’t forget about all the rentals Gentile Hall has so that you can take part in all the wonderful snow we have gotten!  Get outside and enjoy some fresh air skiing or snowshoeing.  We have skis, boots, poles and snowshoes for you all to use.  The ski trails are wonderful at the Nordic Heritage Center and Aroostook State Park.  Stop by our front desk for any questions concerning our rentals or email Dick Gardner at

For all of you who love to downhill ski, don’t forget about Quoggy Jo out toward Fort Fairfield and Big Rock Mountain in Mars Hill.

After the holidays, it is time to get back on track with our diets and get ready for spring.

Here is a one month cleanse to help kickstart those New Year’s resolutions!  I did this with a lot of my clients during the month of January.  It consists of avoiding chips, soda, juice, candy, donuts, cake, cookies, ice cream, white bread, French fries, fried food and pizza.  Here is one of my protein smoothies that is a perfect option for breakfast or lunch and is heart healthy too!


½ Banana

½ cup Strawberries

¼ cup Oatmeal

½ scoop Protein Powder

1 Dan Active Yogurt

1 cup of Juice (I like to use light or diet options for fewer calories)

Blend all together and is a total of 300 calories