Everyone’s favorite time of the semester is quickly approaching: FINALS WEEK. Even though it can be a very stressful and busy time, you will make it through. Here are a few tips and tricks people have used in the past to help them through the busiest and most stressful week of the semester.

     MANAGE YOUR TIME:  Whether this means buying a planner or calendar, or just planning out what you’re going to do that day, write down what you need to do. It’ll remind you of what to do and when to do it when you’re feeling stressed. A senior in the social work program, Michaela Therrien, makes a list of everything that needs to be done by the end of the semester.

“I also list them (assignments) by priority. Meaning what’s more important and what can wait a little bit.”

     DON’T PULL ALL NIGHTERS: “Probably one of the most important tips is to take naps when you can! … Also try to go to bed at a reasonable time,” Therrien said.

If you deprive yourself of sleep, your mind won’t be able to work to its best ability and you’ll continually be thinking about how tired you are.

     MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF: In the midst of all of the studying and final projects you’re finishing up, try to find some time for yourself to just unwind and relax. Continually being on a level 10 stress mode is not good for you. Sarah Draper, a junior in the education program, would only do one course’s work a day.

“When I felt as though I was done with that class, I DID NOT start another. I gave myself a break for the rest of the day,” Draper said.

     FIND SOMETHING THAT RELAXES YOU: Whether it’s coloring, reading, meditating, listening to music or anything under the sun, find something you love to do that relaxes you. When homework is getting to you, take five to 10 minutes to just breathe and do something you love to bring yourself back down to earth.

     SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS: The worst time to isolate yourself is in stressful times such as finals week. Spend time with your friends when you can. They’re going through the same thing and are a great support system.

     DON’T PROCRASTINATE: We all have a love/hate relationship with procrastination. Even though it’s hard, just try to do homework a day or two before it’s due, not five minutes before. As you slowly work yourself out of procrastination, you’ll feel weight being lifted off your shoulders.

     BREATHE! YOU’VE GOT THIS. You’ll do amazing on every project, test or presentation you have coming up. Do your best and you will succeed.