As the weather changes in November and becomes cold and rainy, many people get depressed.  Gentile Hall has a lot to offer people when it’s time to come indoors for physical activity. We have a wonderful running track and treadmills for those who love to run.  Our rock wall is very popular for those who like to hike.  For all those who need to destress don’t forget about my Fusion training class on Mondays and Thursdays from 12-12:45 p.m. in the Campus Center.  Students, always remember that all my fitness classes are free!  Check our website at for all days and times of my fitness classes and rock wall hours.

Student intramurals for the month of November are floor hockey and futsol.  Floor hockey season starts on Nov. 5 and runs until Nov. 20. Futsol is something new this year.  This game is like soccer but played with a smaller ball that has limited bounce.  Futsol sign-up is Nov. 26-30.  The season will run Dec. 314.  For any questions about intramurals, you can email Jonathon Bowman at

It’s that time of year again for my “No Gain Challenge”!  This challenge will start before Thanksgiving and run until after New Year’s.  The goal of this challenge is to maintain your weight during the holidays.  I do weigh-ins once a week and whoever is able to maintain theirmweight the most is the winner.  The goal of this challenge is to help people be aware of how much they are consuming during the holiday season.  If you are interested, the first weigh-in will be Nov. 19 and 20 at 8 a.m. in Gentile Hall.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Thanksgiving is just around the corner!!  Always remember to shop local for some of your Thanksgiving staples.  The School Farm and Stewarts Farm have some fresh vegetables to choose from.  The School Farm also has some apples and frozen strawberries for your homemade pies.


Crockpot Crustless Apple Pie

Apples of your choice (I prefer Cortlands)

6-8 Large Apples peeled and sliced ¼ inch thick

¼ cup Maple Syrup

1 ½ TBSP Cornstarch

2 tsp Cinnamon

¼ tsp Nutmeg


Toss all ingredients into a slow cooker and cook on high heat for 2-3 hours.

Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

This is a gluten free, vegan, low fat and low calorie recipe.