Dear Readers,

     There is no greater reward for finishing your finals than winter break. Being able to celebrate the holidays, take a deep breath of relief and spend time with your loved ones makes all the hard work worth it. Fall semester is a tough one, especially since it turns into winter semester very quickly. Make sure you get in some rest and relaxation over break so you’re prepared for when spring semester, which is really still winter semester, rolls around.

     The issue we put together for the end of the semester is always a difficult one. All of our U Times staff are busy with finals and prepping for the holidays while also producing content for the paper. It’s a difficult balance but they do it so well and they deserve a big thank you. The best way to thank our great writers is to be great readers. Take time out of your break to sit down and read the stories they’ve written,. I promise they’ll be worth every word.

Happy Holidays,

Brandy Smith