Dear readers,

     I hope you are all hanging in there! I know I’m starting to feel the pressure with finals looming in the very near future. Something I have been trying to do in order to stay sane is taking walks. Many of you wouldn’t know this, but I have a black lab, Finn. Finn is still a puppy, just an 80-pound pup. Walking Finn in between classes and meetings has been a nice way for me to manage my stress. 

     Taking these walks down here in southern Maine, I’ve made a discovery. I’m happy to report that the grass is out! Most of the snow has melted. Really, the only snow left can be found on the ski slopes or shaded places in yards. Now let’s see, that should mean the warmer weather will find its way to Presque Isle in— well, I’m not sure when, but hopefully it’s soon. 

     Stay warm folks and remember Spring is right around the corner!   

Abi Davis, editor.

Yours truly,

     Abi Davis